Monday, January 16

Day 11

Day 11: Stop and look around you. There is something in this room you've never noticed before. What is it?

I was looking around my craft room and there was nothing out of place or new... did I mention I just redid my craft room! I have a new craft desk, recently redone all by my lonesome (see post from Jan. 11th). Although, I had held onto the hutch before it was redone for almost a year!
 I also recently acquired a Cricut Gypsy!!! Which I can't wait to start designing pages with it on the road to the in laws, when I can't sleep, or when hanging out with my super crafty friends. I have linked all my cartridges, which means that all I have to do is design a page and I can cut it out all at once. How cool is that!?! I think the best part of it is I was able to pick it up at for a low low price. Considering a year ago they sold for $200 I was glad to get a brand new one for $50... completely amazing!
In fact one of the best non-christmas gifts I could ask for... thanks baby!