Day 24: What is your "Creative Bucket List"?
List 12 creative things you want to learn more about.
1. How to make my own supplies like Modge Podge & Glitter. That is right... wouldn't that be amazing to have my own line of scrapbooking supplies that are easily made at home instead of running to the craft store every time I run out of something.
2. Making my own household cleaners... like laundry detergent. Yes you can make your own cleaners that doesn't have that super offensive smell like bleach!
3. Learn to sew!! I can't believe I still haven't sat down to learn this yet!! Maybe if I am lucky my friend Leia will give me some lessons!!
4. How to make finger paints that are edible!! Yes, that's right EDIBLE!
5. Putty, Slime, Goo... Oh my! I can't wait to make magnetic putty, slime, goo, play dough & ooze. All those fun toys that will keep kids busy for hours. Someday, I can make them for my kids (when we have them) but for now I will have to make them for my niece & nephews!
6. Learn to crochet. I can make the chains but being able to do more than that eludes me.
7. Embroidery... I used to try to do this but always failed. I
8. Photography... I play with my camera settings but truethfully I wouldn't know what to do without my presets! Let alone understand how to use a camera and all those different lenses. I am so much a point and click gal!
9. Transforming a bar of soap into liquid soap... sounds interesting!
10. Learn to use photo shop... yes that's right all those layers confuse me! I should learn to use this (it would be helpful for #12 too!).
11.Selling on Etsy- how to make my "skill" a real business.
12. Digital scrapbooking... It seems nice but I am wary because I like the feel of paper and being able to flip through a book.
Monday, January 30
Sunday, January 29
Day 23
Day 23: Listen to a favorite song or artist and create something inspired by that music.
I LOVE music but I am not the girl who can tell you the song title or albumn its from. When it comes to creating I tend to want music I can sing with and yet tune out at the same time. For me that music is MOTOWN!! Unfortunately, music is not what inspires me to craft. It is the photos that inspire me. Recently, I was lucky to get together with my crafty conspirators for a scrap-day! I love when we get together but its not always the most productive we can be but it is the most fun! I love that we can bounce ideas off each other, and be inspired by each other's work.
I LOVE music but I am not the girl who can tell you the song title or albumn its from. When it comes to creating I tend to want music I can sing with and yet tune out at the same time. For me that music is MOTOWN!! Unfortunately, music is not what inspires me to craft. It is the photos that inspire me. Recently, I was lucky to get together with my crafty conspirators for a scrap-day! I love when we get together but its not always the most productive we can be but it is the most fun! I love that we can bounce ideas off each other, and be inspired by each other's work.
Day 22
Day 22: Take time today to thank your favorite creative people for their talents. Comment on their blogs, Facebook and Twitter.
I really enjoyed this task... but it took me so long to do!!
Let me just tell you a few things I love...
Lisa & Geoff Bardot at
Leslie Kolafa at
I also love
I really enjoyed this task... but it took me so long to do!!
Let me just tell you a few things I love...
Lisa & Geoff Bardot at
Leslie Kolafa at
I also love
Day 21
Day 21: Find and photograph one object in your home and create something inspired by it.
Today I am spending my day at my Nonni's house. I couldn't really find anything that necessarily inspired me to craft. I guess this is what they would call an "epic fail". I tried to look for something similar to what I crafted already and came up short. I couldn't even fake my way through this post! This was a complete failure on my part. So instead I decided to post some picture of things I already crafted. Enjoy!
Today I am spending my day at my Nonni's house. I couldn't really find anything that necessarily inspired me to craft. I guess this is what they would call an "epic fail". I tried to look for something similar to what I crafted already and came up short. I couldn't even fake my way through this post! This was a complete failure on my part. So instead I decided to post some picture of things I already crafted. Enjoy!
Wednesday, January 25
Day 20 :)
Day 20: Read a crafty book or blog and write about it or create something inspired by it!
When I want to be inspired I look at Pinterest or StumbleUpon. Today I decided to go another route and actually pull a book off my shelf. I really enjoy reading my craft bibble (bibble because although I don't read the Bible I wouldn't ever compare my book to THE BOOK- sorry tiny rant) Martha Stewart's Craft Encyclopedia! I couldn't believe it has been a long time since I bought this book. It is such a great resource. I found it very useful when I was a beginning crafter. I used it to learn paper flower making. At the time I was considering making all the flowers for my wedding. Celia & I soon discovered that it was a a brilliant thought that would be difficult to make it come to fruition. We spent a whole weekend making paper baskets and attempting to make paper bouquets. Only to discard the ideas from our overall wedding decor. Lesson learned... if you want to make flowers learn it, practice it for at least a month and then give yourself a year to produce them all (for a wedding at least)! Even though we gave up on a dream we had an amazing time crafting together (like always).
When I want to be inspired I look at Pinterest or StumbleUpon. Today I decided to go another route and actually pull a book off my shelf. I really enjoy reading my craft bibble (bibble because although I don't read the Bible I wouldn't ever compare my book to THE BOOK- sorry tiny rant) Martha Stewart's Craft Encyclopedia! I couldn't believe it has been a long time since I bought this book. It is such a great resource. I found it very useful when I was a beginning crafter. I used it to learn paper flower making. At the time I was considering making all the flowers for my wedding. Celia & I soon discovered that it was a a brilliant thought that would be difficult to make it come to fruition. We spent a whole weekend making paper baskets and attempting to make paper bouquets. Only to discard the ideas from our overall wedding decor. Lesson learned... if you want to make flowers learn it, practice it for at least a month and then give yourself a year to produce them all (for a wedding at least)! Even though we gave up on a dream we had an amazing time crafting together (like always).
Tuesday, January 24
Day 19
Day 19: Do you keep a creative journal or have an inspiration board? Share!
YES!!! I am so VERY excited to let you know that I do have a Pinterest account. I am keeping electronic inspiration boards on, and when I was planing my wedding I had an electronic board on, and I keep one in my craft room. When I find something inspiring I cut it out, pin it, or recreate it myself. I have had an amazing time Stumbling, Pinning & Creating crafts... feel free to follow me! I am REALLY fond of my "to try" board. I can't wait to try new crafts (with you!).
YES!!! I am so VERY excited to let you know that I do have a Pinterest account. I am keeping electronic inspiration boards on, and when I was planing my wedding I had an electronic board on, and I keep one in my craft room. When I find something inspiring I cut it out, pin it, or recreate it myself. I have had an amazing time Stumbling, Pinning & Creating crafts... feel free to follow me! I am REALLY fond of my "to try" board. I can't wait to try new crafts (with you!).
Day 18
Day 18: Does the way you dress show your creativity? How? If not, why not?
In no way does my dress show my creativity. I am not a flashy dresser. I prefer to be comfy all day long. If I never had to get out of my pajamas I would be one happy gal! My favorite days are when I get to have crafty sleepovers with my crafting accomplices. I don't think that I need to dress a certain way in order to be a happy crafter unless your painting!! Then clothes do become important.. especially when you don't want to get paint on them!
In no way does my dress show my creativity. I am not a flashy dresser. I prefer to be comfy all day long. If I never had to get out of my pajamas I would be one happy gal! My favorite days are when I get to have crafty sleepovers with my crafting accomplices. I don't think that I need to dress a certain way in order to be a happy crafter unless your painting!! Then clothes do become important.. especially when you don't want to get paint on them!
Monday, January 23
Day 17
Day 17: Sing. Sing a song... make it simple to last your whole life long! How did that feel?
I couldn't think of a song yesterday. All day today I have had so many little kid songs stuck in my head. I'm cleaning the guest room bathroom and the wheels on the bus is running through my mind. I'm folding laundry and I find myself humming Miss Mary Mack. Then when I finally sat down to write this blog I reread the prompt for the day. I started singing "sing, sing a song, make it simple...", and i started to smile. Mission accomplished!! I love music! I find that when I am listening to my favorite music, it will be a matter ofminutes seconds before I am singing that song out loud! No doubt about it I am smiling. So, I guess it is no surprise that music makes me happy!
I couldn't think of a song yesterday. All day today I have had so many little kid songs stuck in my head. I'm cleaning the guest room bathroom and the wheels on the bus is running through my mind. I'm folding laundry and I find myself humming Miss Mary Mack. Then when I finally sat down to write this blog I reread the prompt for the day. I started singing "sing, sing a song, make it simple...", and i started to smile. Mission accomplished!! I love music! I find that when I am listening to my favorite music, it will be a matter of
Saturday, January 21
Day 16
Day 16: Do you create best when your emotions are high? Do you turn to creative endeavors when you are sad, angry, or just filled with joy?
All of my crafting memories are happy ones. Not to say that there are not times of frustration or disappointment. Its just that when I look back I can remember the times when I am proud or my work, love sharing the joy of creating with others and generally enjoy creating something new.
Although, there have been times when I was in a foul mood and going into my craft room and forgetting the world has brought me out of it. Mostly, I think it depends on the craft that your creating. When I made the memorial book of my Nonno I could not help but be sad. It was not the project that upset me but the memories of his life that made me miss him so much more. It took me close to two months to finish his book. Not because it was elaborately detailed or difficult to get together but because the emotions it brought out in me while I crafted. I would suddenly find myself crying while crafting and had to take a break. There are other projects that make me smile the whole time. In general, I think each person is at their best when they are happy.
All of my crafting memories are happy ones. Not to say that there are not times of frustration or disappointment. Its just that when I look back I can remember the times when I am proud or my work, love sharing the joy of creating with others and generally enjoy creating something new.
Although, there have been times when I was in a foul mood and going into my craft room and forgetting the world has brought me out of it. Mostly, I think it depends on the craft that your creating. When I made the memorial book of my Nonno I could not help but be sad. It was not the project that upset me but the memories of his life that made me miss him so much more. It took me close to two months to finish his book. Not because it was elaborately detailed or difficult to get together but because the emotions it brought out in me while I crafted. I would suddenly find myself crying while crafting and had to take a break. There are other projects that make me smile the whole time. In general, I think each person is at their best when they are happy.
Friday, January 20
Day 15 (YEAH!!!)
First off I just wanna say HURRAY!!! I am now half way through my 30 day challenge!!!! WHich is completely amazing!
Day 15: Do you like to try new things? What about trying something new do you like or dislike?
I like to try new things occassionally... new foods, new movies, new cocktails, new mediums of art. I wouldn't say that I am in any way adventurous or daring. Nor am I a risk taker, which explains why I stay at jobs even if/when I am unhappy. I would say that when I find something or someone who makes me happy I stick with it! I am a creature of habbit... or rather of bad habbits! I can be occasionally swayed to try something new. Which without my husband I would have never discovered that I can handle the spicy tuna or begin to love jalepenos... things that I had always avoided. That even though I hadn't triedit myself I didn't want to risk a bad experience. I love my family and friends because they continue to encourage me to try new things like yoga, sushi, boot camp, sewing, and even writing this blog!
Day 15: Do you like to try new things? What about trying something new do you like or dislike?
I like to try new things occassionally... new foods, new movies, new cocktails, new mediums of art. I wouldn't say that I am in any way adventurous or daring. Nor am I a risk taker, which explains why I stay at jobs even if/when I am unhappy. I would say that when I find something or someone who makes me happy I stick with it! I am a creature of habbit... or rather of bad habbits! I can be occasionally swayed to try something new. Which without my husband I would have never discovered that I can handle the spicy tuna or begin to love jalepenos... things that I had always avoided. That even though I hadn't triedit myself I didn't want to risk a bad experience. I love my family and friends because they continue to encourage me to try new things like yoga, sushi, boot camp, sewing, and even writing this blog!
Day 14
**Technically Day 15... come back later to check out a Day 15 post!**
Day 14: Make something to give away. Send a card to a friend or make a little gift for someone you care about.
This one was easy! Especially when I am working on my give away (I am stoked to be mailing it this weekend). I am enjoying making crafts for my followers/FB group members!! I am so excited... not to be done crafting but to see my friends post when they receive their presents. I am always the worst gift giver in that way... I can't take the anticipation of waiting to give the gift. I just can't wait! I am dying to post pictures of their goodies but I just can't let myself ruin their surprise so look forward to an update on this post later!!
Wednesday, January 18
Day 13... ish
Day 13... nope! I was supposed to try something new. Play with a new medium, or a new craft but to be honest each think I thought of I had already tried!
I made a small list of a few things that I have already tried...
Water paint
Paper Mache
Modge Podge
Chalkboard Paints
Spray Paints
Oil Paints
Sand stone carving
Clay & Porcelain
Paper Crafting
Card Making
Favor Making
Banner Making
Flower Arranging
Candle Making
Soap Making
... so what is left to try?? I couldn't come up with anything new, can you?
I made a small list of a few things that I have already tried...
Water paint
Paper Mache
Modge Podge
Chalkboard Paints
Spray Paints
Oil Paints
Sand stone carving
Clay & Porcelain
Paper Crafting
Card Making
Favor Making
Banner Making
Flower Arranging
Candle Making
Soap Making
... so what is left to try?? I couldn't come up with anything new, can you?
Tuesday, January 17
Day 12
Day 12: Look at a child. See how connected they are to their creative self? Pretend you are a child and make something.
Everything I have tried to create today looks like something a kindergartener did which is unfortunate and is why I gave up!
It is true. I have difficulty creating from scratch without an idea of why I am creating it. I need to look at my pictures and create a layout. I need to picture the person I am making a present for in order to know what to make. So, I ask your forgiveness in my lack of art work here today. I could not force myself to post the ickiness which was my child like drawing. Seriously, there are pre-k kiddos art work that is better than mine. I think I need to go back and learn to make a macaroni jewelry and art... maybe macaroni is the medium for me!
Everything I have tried to create today looks like something a kindergartener did which is unfortunate and is why I gave up!
I tried sharpies but they bled too much.
The zigs were magically running out of ink... I hate that!
The glitter markers started to fuzz up distorting anything I tried to draw.
My pencil sharpener has gone rogue and the professional pencils are all broken.
I left my crayons at home.
My markers refuse to work.
Even worse my hands refuse to draw what my mind is showing me and thinks that I can draw, which is not true, not even remotely.
It is true. I have difficulty creating from scratch without an idea of why I am creating it. I need to look at my pictures and create a layout. I need to picture the person I am making a present for in order to know what to make. So, I ask your forgiveness in my lack of art work here today. I could not force myself to post the ickiness which was my child like drawing. Seriously, there are pre-k kiddos art work that is better than mine. I think I need to go back and learn to make a macaroni jewelry and art... maybe macaroni is the medium for me!
Monday, January 16
Day 11
Day 11: Stop and look around you. There is something in this room you've never noticed before. What is it?
I was looking around my craft room and there was nothing out of place or new... did I mention I just redid my craft room! I have a new craft desk, recently redone all by my lonesome (see post from Jan. 11th). Although, I had held onto the hutch before it was redone for almost a year!
I also recently acquired a Cricut Gypsy!!! Which I can't wait to start designing pages with it on the road to the in laws, when I can't sleep, or when hanging out with my super crafty friends. I have linked all my cartridges, which means that all I have to do is design a page and I can cut it out all at once. How cool is that!?! I think the best part of it is I was able to pick it up at for a low low price. Considering a year ago they sold for $200 I was glad to get a brand new one for $50... completely amazing!
In fact one of the best non-christmas gifts I could ask for... thanks baby!
I was looking around my craft room and there was nothing out of place or new... did I mention I just redid my craft room! I have a new craft desk, recently redone all by my lonesome (see post from Jan. 11th). Although, I had held onto the hutch before it was redone for almost a year!
I also recently acquired a Cricut Gypsy!!! Which I can't wait to start designing pages with it on the road to the in laws, when I can't sleep, or when hanging out with my super crafty friends. I have linked all my cartridges, which means that all I have to do is design a page and I can cut it out all at once. How cool is that!?! I think the best part of it is I was able to pick it up at for a low low price. Considering a year ago they sold for $200 I was glad to get a brand new one for $50... completely amazing!
In fact one of the best non-christmas gifts I could ask for... thanks baby!
Sunday, January 15
Day 10
Day 10: Create something today inspired by nature!
WOW! So I can't believe that it is already day 10! In the past I may not even had attempted this 30 day challenge because it may have been months between postings. I am enjoying taking the time to update my blog. (Thank-you for reading!)
While I did not spend a whole day crafting, a typical Sunday, I did manage to complete my day 10 challenge. Creating something inspired by nature is not new, many artists look to mother nature to inspire their works of art. I thought of my some of my past drawings, butterflies and animals, and figured I would come up with something later. The day is over and I had yet to post... uh oh! Well, below is my art... let me know what you think.
It might be cute as a coaster set, maybe adding some floral effects, or printed on a tote bag... oh the possibilities are endless!
WOW! So I can't believe that it is already day 10! In the past I may not even had attempted this 30 day challenge because it may have been months between postings. I am enjoying taking the time to update my blog. (Thank-you for reading!)
While I did not spend a whole day crafting, a typical Sunday, I did manage to complete my day 10 challenge. Creating something inspired by nature is not new, many artists look to mother nature to inspire their works of art. I thought of my some of my past drawings, butterflies and animals, and figured I would come up with something later. The day is over and I had yet to post... uh oh! Well, below is my art... let me know what you think.
It might be cute as a coaster set, maybe adding some floral effects, or printed on a tote bag... oh the possibilities are endless!
Saturday, January 14
Day 9
Day 9: Make a list of creative people you are grateful for today.
I know that there are amazing artists out there that can create awe inspiring works of art. I decided that I would make a list of people that are near and dear to me that inspire me to be a better crafter.
1. Mom: Who always encouraged me to be crafty and taught me about puffy paint long before my sorority days. She is so proud of me and where I am able to take my crafting skills now.
2. Christina L.: My cousin who always inspired me to try something better.
3. Helena L.: Introduced me to the wonders of scrap booking!!
4. Jenna C.: Taught me to think outside the box with paper crafting
5. Lisa B.: Who inspired me to do more than just scrap... including trying to sew!
6. Marissa C. & Celia S.: my crafting accomplices. When we craft together I always feel more inspired.
7. You... yes, you! When you read my blog it inspires me to continue to craft! Thank-you for your support!
I know that there are amazing artists out there that can create awe inspiring works of art. I decided that I would make a list of people that are near and dear to me that inspire me to be a better crafter.
1. Mom: Who always encouraged me to be crafty and taught me about puffy paint long before my sorority days. She is so proud of me and where I am able to take my crafting skills now.
2. Christina L.: My cousin who always inspired me to try something better.
3. Helena L.: Introduced me to the wonders of scrap booking!!
4. Jenna C.: Taught me to think outside the box with paper crafting
5. Lisa B.: Who inspired me to do more than just scrap... including trying to sew!
6. Marissa C. & Celia S.: my crafting accomplices. When we craft together I always feel more inspired.
7. You... yes, you! When you read my blog it inspires me to continue to craft! Thank-you for your support!
Friday, January 13
Day 8
Day 8: Create a self portrait, draw or photograph yourself. What do you see?
So... this is my self portrait. I did not draw this but rather took a photograph of myself and distorted it. Here is a time when I was at my happiest, my wedding day. I see uneasiness in front of a camera. I was never one to enjoy being the subject of the photographers lens. I would much rather be behind the camera. Here I am on the happiest of days right after a major freak out (as brides usually have, I am told) with no time to spare and no moment to myself. Here I am raw. Here I am just waiting to get this day over with and be out of the spotlight!

Thursday, January 12
Day 7
Day 7: Relax! Do you relax to create or create to relax?
I enjoy watching my favorite shows, listening to music, and especially CRAFTING! Today I found myself most at ease while I was inking a very special project for one of yesterdays winners. I don't think it matters which way it works, create to relax or relax to create, as long as you enjoy the process. I find that when I want to make something beautiful but I'm not sure how or where to start is when I have problems. When I don't think to hard about it or don't try to impress others I find my end work is natural, appealing and beautiful. I love looking at other peoples work, but I need to remember not to compare my work to theirs. My work is no less beautiful or impressive because someone else has a better or different technique. This made me think about the post of inspirational quotes, "A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle" by James Heller. I hope that somewhere there is someone who allows themselves to be inspired by what is being shared here.
I enjoy watching my favorite shows, listening to music, and especially CRAFTING! Today I found myself most at ease while I was inking a very special project for one of yesterdays winners. I don't think it matters which way it works, create to relax or relax to create, as long as you enjoy the process. I find that when I want to make something beautiful but I'm not sure how or where to start is when I have problems. When I don't think to hard about it or don't try to impress others I find my end work is natural, appealing and beautiful. I love looking at other peoples work, but I need to remember not to compare my work to theirs. My work is no less beautiful or impressive because someone else has a better or different technique. This made me think about the post of inspirational quotes, "A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle" by James Heller. I hope that somewhere there is someone who allows themselves to be inspired by what is being shared here.
Wednesday, January 11
Day 6: How does your living space reflect your creative nature? Share a picture if you can!
What better way to share a piece of my living space that shows my creative nature than to show you my craft room, or as my husband calls it- the office. Slowly but surely he is giving in!
What better way to share a piece of my living space that shows my creative nature than to show you my craft room, or as my husband calls it- the office. Slowly but surely he is giving in!
![]() |
This is the AFTER :) |
The BEFORE is not so pretty.
After it was painted.
The side view!
Getting settled into the craft room.
I hope you enjoyed this post and it inspires you to tackle a big project like this and even share your own "happily" after photos!
Today only!!
Pay It Forward 2012: I will make something handmade for the first 5 people who comment on teh FACEBOOK GOUP- Homemade&Heartfelt. They must in return post this on their status and make something for the first 5 people who comment on their status. Rules: it must be made by you and be received before the end of 2012. It could be as simple as making a cup of hot cocoa for a friend!
Congrats to our 5 winners:
Ursula W., Sarah Beth D., Natalie P., Kaitlin B., Kelly L..
*Ladies please send me your addresses!
Remember to pay it forward in 2012!
Congrats to our 5 winners:
Ursula W., Sarah Beth D., Natalie P., Kaitlin B., Kelly L..
*Ladies please send me your addresses!
Remember to pay it forward in 2012!
Tuesday, January 10
Day 5
Day 5: What artists do you seek out for inspiration? Create a small something based on your source.
I don't believe I seek out specific artists. I look to nature & photos for inspiration when it comes to my crafts! I love being able to sit down and look at a picture and get an idea of what the page will look like. Thats not to say that I am soo "talented" that there is never a doubtful moment, cuz there is. If for some reason I don;t know what to do with an image I may skip it or omit it all together. I also find that scrapping with my friends is another way to increase my creativity, although ususally not my productivity! I love being able to bound ideas off of each other and look at what we have each done for further inspiration!
So.. here are some of my crafts... I hope they inspire you!
Scrapbook pages
Monday, January 9
Day 4
Day 4: Do some doodling... share it and write about it!
So... over a year ago I bought an old china hutch. I wanted to restore it or recycle it, I couldn't decide. I decided that having to restore the top half of the hutch with glass and broken pieces was too much. When the local curb your junk day came around the top half was graciously donated but the bottom I kept with hopes and dreams of someday doing something special with it. The bottom was weak, old wood remember, and it needed some extra support. I added wheels because who doesn't want a piece of furniture that is EASY to move!?! It was originally a old brown stain which proved hard to remove. So it had to be painted over which was no easy task either. By the time this "simple" project is done I probably could have built something on my own and had it been easier! I really would like to say that I enjoyed this project but the truth is it took a long time, was frustrating and at times I felt like throwing in the towel. I am hoping that in the future I will be able to fully enjoy this craft desk and will post pictures (real ones unlike the sketches above) as soon as I can!
Sunday, January 8
Day 3
Day3: What words or phrases do you find inspiring and why?
- this reminds me to look past what is bothering me and into what could be (if I let it). there is always a silver lining but you have to be willing to look for it!
- you can have as many dreams as you want but if you never move toward them they will always remain dreams and nothing more!
- this reminds me that being a good person and passing on my gifts to others does not diminish me in any way at all. sharing my blessings with others makes me no less blessed but instead increases my blessings and those of others.
- love isn't about the buterflies in your stomache, who would want to feel that way every day. soulmates aren't just in crazy high school dreams of love. theay are real people. if you are lucky you get to find your soulmate and live out your lives together. the endless journey two people take to constantly better themselves not for pride but because they want to be the best partner they can be; that is love.
-our lives are ever changing, our dreams and wants evolving with the circustances. when we think about the past, there should be no regrets. this is also something comical because in my youth i did decide to get a few tattoos which my parents warned that i may regret. this phrase reminds me that choices should be life long choices and to make sure that there will be no regrets later in life!
Day 2: What colors are meaningful to you and why?
To be truthful at first I didn't really think that many colors were meaningful to me. The sky is blue. Money is crisp and green. Snow is that innocent white. Aren't there meanings or interpretations in those simple examples? If you said no skip to the bottom , look at the pretty picture and move on because you will not be interested in the rest of this post.
So the next question... what are my favorite colors? My favorites right now are teal, yellow, plum, red and grey. I have always been a fan of teal and aqua. I think that comes from being born in the 80's. You can't tell me that you weren't all about aqua and fuchsia when you were a kid. Those beautiful and bright colors bring me right back to my childhood.
Teal, which is a really hot color right now is everywhere!! I think of it most when I am crafting, not because its a color I actually use but because it is conducive to my own creativity! I would absolutely adore my craft room if it were teal... the dreams of a future homeowner I guess (painting walls!).
Plum or purple or wild orchid or whatever you would like to call it is another favorite. I have grown up wearing and loving purple. The bold jewel tone is very comforting to me. Something about childhood memories and that color. I am not 100% why but its very true.
Red is always been linked to love, historically and in the media. We buy red roses and candy on valentines. Red is love for me too, for those reasons and many many more!
Yellow the color of "sunshine". It is so bright a cheerie. I have always loved the sun and basking in the rays. The sun in my face makes me smile (and squint). I just can't help but smile when I am in my favorite yellow sundress.
Grey is so calm and peaceful! The cool color which brings me back to nature and stone.
What more can I say? I really love all colors these are just a few of my favorites!
Friday, January 6
day 1 of a 30 day challenge
I have recently become OBSESSED with Stumble Upon. I get "magically" sent to all these amazing craft sites. I can not express enough how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE this site!
The reason I tell you this? I recently stumbled upon a 30 day challenge! Although I have never finished one of these challenges before but I think I am ready for the challenge... with that in mind... here is my representation of Day 1.
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Day 1 |
Day 1: When you were a child how did you express yourself creatively?
I loved to draw! Honestly, I still do! It didn't matter what medium I used sidewalk chalk, markers, using the nubs of left over crayons, or nail polish nor did it matter what I was doodling on (I once painted my name on my 13" TV in nail polish)!! I later grew up to buy my very first piece of furniture (a liquor cabinet) which was to be drawn on by all my friends who would visit - fun with my own kind of graffiti art! I have never really stopped drawing however, I have a new form... SCRAPBOOKING!
Thursday, January 5
No Sew Blanket (old project new post)
As crafty as I am (or can be) sewing is not an area where I excell. I can't even thread a bobbin without instructions and a few curse words before giving up completely! In short I don't sew!
No- sew blanket concept wasn't exactly new to me. My mother-in-law made some for christmas presents, a sorority sister made one, and I have seen the kids craft kit for sale in craft stores. I decided to finally make one of my own!
as you can see this blanket is folded into 4ths |
Wanna make one of your own?!? Here's what you need!
- a trust worthy pair of fabric
- 2 pieces of fleece material (pattern/colors of your choice!)
- time to complete the project
Thats all!! I picked 2 fabrics that would be to my husbands liking... NBA Warriors pattern for the "front" and a solid navy for the "back". I picked up 3 yards of each fabric! This blanket is extremely large... my husband and I can both lay out on the couch and be completely covered.
However, the reccomended sizes are as follows:
adults- 2 to 2 1/2 yards
kids- 1 1/2 yards
-Lay the pieces of fleece on top of each other lining them up as perfectly as possible with the wrong sides facing each other. (with 1 pattern and 1 plain color I just had to make sure the Warriors pattern was visible).
-Then cut strips of about 3 inches all the way around the blanket about 1 to 2 inches apart (going all the way around made corners easy).
-Next, just tie the top and bottom pieces of the cut fleece strips together in double knots (I alternated between tying and tucking in knots- to lessen the fringe effect).
follow this easy PDF to make perfectly square corners (I chose not to cut out the corner pieces but to use them).
watch this handy video on YouTube
My monster blanket took about 45 minutes to complete and we love it! The best part about this super cozy blanket is that there is no special care required... just throw it in the wash when it gets dirty!
Comments, Questions, Suggestions or Share a picture of one you have already completed!!
Sunday, January 1
Christmas Craftiness
My extended family does a "white elephant" gift exchange every year. Having gotten married two months earlier we didn't have a lot of funds left over to do something spectacular, we had to be creative.
Our wedding favors were wine glasses (above), cute right?
Since everyone in my family already had at least a pair of these bad boys and somehow we ended up with an EXTRA 8 dozen of them!We were llooking for some way to transform these beauties into steal worthy gifts. What do you think? Did it work?
Would you like to make some of your own? Here is what you need!
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step1 |

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step 2 |
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step 3 |
On another note, remember to use the spray in a WELL VENTILATED AREA!! When the last coat is mostly dry, I peeled off the draping and tape (again, I'm impatient). If you notice in the step 3 photo there is a little bit of chalk board paint outside its designated space. That little bit was easily scrubbed off without damaging the rest of the painted square. When they were all cleaned up they looked great! Just remember to hand wash them to keep them looking like new!
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