Give Aways

I was inspire by a good friend, Nicole, to do a 2012 pay it forward/give away and so I posted the following to the Homemade&Heartfelt facebook group.

"Pay It Forward 2012: I will make something handmade for the first 5 people who comment on teh FACEBOOK GOUP- Homemade&Heartfelt. They must in return post this on their status and make something for the first 5 people who comment on their status. Rules: it must be made by you and be received before the end of 2012. It could be as simple as making a cup of hot cocoa for a friend!"

It was a blast! I can't wait to craft soemthing special for each of these lucky ladies... Congrats to our 5 winners: Ursula W., Sarah Beth D., Natalie P., Kaitlin B., Kelly L."

This is my first give away but I am looking forward to doing many more give aways this year!

Remember to pay it forward in 2012

I hope by now the ladies have recieved their mini books! I had a blast making them!!! I couldn't wait to post some of their responses and some images!!